Day 9:
Today was Children's Day in Korea and we had the day off work :) The weather was gorgeous and we spent practically the entire day outside in the park. They closed down several of the streets behind Bucheon City Hall and had activities for all of the kids.
There was a crazy amount of kids and parents everywhere! They were riding their bikes, driving go-carts and flying kites in the park and on the street. The whole area was buzzing with activity.
It was an awesome day to do some great people watching and take tons of photos. These are just a few of the shots from the day. The kids are all so cute and don't mind strangers taking their photo.
We also ran into some of our students and were able to meet some of their parents too. We made kites with one of our students named Jayden which Brandon had a great time flying in the park. It's too bad every day isn't Children's Day!
With love from South Korea,
Brandon & Shayna